Page created: 4 Feb 2020
Page updated: 22 Jul 2020
| 1 min read
Product PingDirectory 8.1 Directory Capability Product documentation Content Type Administration User task IT Administrator Administrator Audience Software Deployment Method Configuration PingDirectoryProxy
You can verify the configuration of the SCIM extension by navigating to a SCIM resource URL via the command line or through a browser window.
Run curl to verify that the SCIM extension is running. The
-k (or --insecure) option is used to turn
off curl's verification of the server certificate, since the example Directory Proxy Server
is using a self-signed certificate.
$ curl -u "cn=Directory Manager:password" \ -k "https://localhost:8443/scim/ServiceProviderConfigs" {"schemas":["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"],"id":"urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "patch":{"supported":true},"bulk":{"supported":true,"maxOperations":10000, "maxPayloadSize":10485760},"filter":{"supported":true,"maxResults":100}, "changePassword":{"supported":true},"sort":{"supported":true}, "etag":{"supported":false},"authenticationSchemes":[{"name":"HttpBasic", "description":"The HTTP Basic Access Authentication scheme. This scheme is not considered to be a secure method of user authentication (unless used in conjunction with some external secure system such as SSL), as the user name and password are passed over the network as cleartext.","specUrl": "","documentationUrl": ""}]}
If the user ID is a valid DN (such as
cn=Directory Manager
), the SCIM extension authenticates by binding to the Directory Proxy Server as that user. If the user ID is not a valid DN, the SCIM extension searches for an entry with thatuid
value, and binds to the server as that user. To verify authentication to the server as the user with theuid
, run the following command:$ curl -u "user.0:password" \ -k "https://localhost:8443/scim/ServiceProviderConfigs"