Permanently remove a soft-deleted entry from the Directory Server.
  • To permanently remove a soft-deleted entry, run ldapdelete on the soft-deleted entry.

    The following example assumes that you configured soft deletes as a global configuration for requests.

    $ bin/ldapdelete \ 
    Processing DELETE request for entryUUID=4e9b7847-edcb-3791-b11b-
    DELETE operation successful for DN entryUUID=4e9b7847-edcb-3791-b11b-  

    You cannot soft-delete an already soft-deleted entry. If you use the --useSoftDelete subcommand with the ldapdelete operation on a soft-deleted entry, an error message generates.

    DELETE operation failed. Result Code: 53 (Unwilling to Perform) Diagnostic Message: DELETE operation failed.