The following task assumes that when you ran the setup command, you answered y to the question Is Delegated Admin being installed in a topology containing PingDirectoryProxy?

If you are installing Delegated Admin on PingDirectoryProxy Server, you must configure the Proxy instance using the delegated-admin-for-proxy.dsconfig script as described in All locations except PingDirectoryProxy Server.

You must also perform the following steps to configure all instances of PingDirectory Server:

  1. Apply the commands from the delegated-admin.dsconfig batch file to all instances of PingDirectory Server.
    $ ./bin/dsconfig \
      --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
      --bindPassword <password> \
      --no-prompt \
      --batch-file webapps/delegator/delegated-admin.dsconfig \
      --applyChangeTo server-group
  2. Apply the commands from the delegated-admin.dsconfig batch file to all instances of PingDirectory Server, as explained in Replicated instances of PingDirectory Server.