• To list the existing backups in a specific backup directory, run the following command.
    $ bin/restore --listBackups --backupDirectory </mybackups>
    [13:26:21] The console logging output is also available in '/ds/PingDirectory/logs/ tools/restore.log'
    Backup ID:         20120212191715Z
    Backup Date:       12/Feb/2012:13:17:19 -0600
    Is Incremental:    false
    Is Compressed:     false
    Is Encrypted:      false
    Has Unsigned Hash: false
    Has Signed Hash:   false
    Dependent Upon:    none
    Backup ID:         20120212192411Z
    Backup Date:       12/Feb/2012:13:24:16 -0600
    Is Incremental:    true
    Is Compressed:     false
    Is Encrypted:      false
    Has Unsigned Hash: false
    Has Signed Hash:   false
    Dependent Upon:    20120212191715Z