To create and configure JSON attribute constraints:

  • Run dsconfig with the create-json-attribute-constraints option.

    In this example, a JSON attribute constraint is defined on the appjson attribute type. This constrains values of the appjson attribute to be JSON objects. Because allow-unnamed-fields is set to false, those JSON objects can only have fields for which there is a corresponding JSON field constraints definition.


    appjson is meant to be replaced by the name of the user's desired attribute type, as defined in the directory schema. For more information, see About managing JSON attribute values.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-json-attribute-constraints \
      --attribute-type appjson \
      --set enabled:true \
      --set allow-unnamed-fields:false

    In this example, a JSON field constraint object is defined for the email.verified field. The email.verified field must be present and must take a boolean value.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-json-field-constraints \
      --attribute-type appjson \
      --json-field email.verified \
      --set value-type:boolean \
      --set is-required:true \
      --set index-values:false \
      --set tokenize-values:false \
      --set allow-null-value:true

    In this example, a JSON field constraint object is defined for the email.type field. The email.type field must be present and must take a value of home, work, or other.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-json-field-constraints \
      --attribute-type appjson \
      --json-field email.type \
      --set value-type:string \
      --set is-required:true \
      --set index-values:false \
      --set tokenize-values:true \
      --set allowed-value:home \
      --set allowed-value:other \
      --set allowed-value:work \
      --set allow-null-value:false

    In this example, a JSON field constraint is defined for the email.value field. The email.value field must be present and must take a string value that matches the specified regular expression.

    $ bin/dsconfig create-json-field-constraints \
      --attribute-type appjson \
      --json-field email.value \
      --set value-type:string \
      --set is-required:true \
      --set index-values:true \
      --set tokenize-values:false \
      --set prime-index:true \
      --set allow-null-value:true \
      --set maximum-value-length:256 \
      --set minimum-value-length:1 \
      --set allowed-value-regular-expression:[-_\+\.\w\d]+@\w+\.\w{2,5}