Access control instructions (ACIs) are represented as strings that are applied to one or more entries within the directory information tree (DIT).
Typically, an ACI is placed on a subtree, such as dc=example,dc=com
and applies to that base entry and all entries below it in the tree. The Directory Server iterates through the DIT to compile the access control rules
into an internally-used list of denied and allowed targets and their permissable
operations. When a client application, such as ldapsearch, enters a
request, the Directory Server checks that the user who binds with the
server has the necessary access rights to the requested search targets. ACIs are
cumulatively applied so that a user who has an ACI at an entry can also have other
access rights available if ACIs are defined higher in the DIT and are applicable to the
user. In most environments, ACIs are defined at the root of a main branch or a subtree,
and not on individual entries unless absolutely required.
An access control rule has the following basic syntax.
aci : (targets) (version 3.0; acl "name";
bind rules
Access Control Component | Description |
targets |
Specifies the set of entries and attributes to which an access control
rule applies. Use the following syntax: |
name |
Specifies the name of the ACI |
permissions |
Specifies the type of operations to which an access control rule might
apply. Use the following syntax: |
bind rules |
Specifies the criteria that indicate whether an access control rule
should apply to a given requester. Use the following syntax: Note:
The bind rule syntax requires that it be terminated with a