1. To allow read access to operational attributes used by the SCIM Servlet Extension, add access controls on each of the backend -Directory Servers before you enable the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) servlet extension.

    Instead of the dsconfig interactive equivalent, the following example uses the non-interactive command to add access control instructions (ACIs) .

    $ bin/dsconfig set-access-control-handler-prop \
      --add 'global-aci:(targetattr="entryUUID || entryDN || ds-entry-unique-id || 
        createTimestamp || modifyTimestamp")
        (version 3.0;acl "Authenticated read access to operational attributes \
        used by the SCIM servlet extension"; allow (read,search,compare) 
  2. To enable the SCIM servlet extension, run the dsconfig batch file on the Directory Proxy Server server.
    $ bin/dsconfig --batch-file config/scim-config-proxy.dsconfig
  3. Edit the dsconfig batch file to use the correct request processor name and base distingushed names (DNs) for the set-request-processor-prop and set-root-dse-backend-prop commands.