The audit log captures any MODIFY
operations of soft-deleted entries.
These changes are recorded as fully commented-out audit log entries. The audit log does not require any configuration for soft deletes.
For any soft-deleted entry, the audit log entry displays the
property and its soft-deleted entry
distinguished name (DN).
# 14/May/2012:10:57:09.054 -0500; conn=30; op=1
# ds-soft-delete-entry-dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-
dn: uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete
For any MODIFY
changes made, the log displays the LDIF, the modifier’s
name, and update time.
# 14/May/2012:10:58:33.566 -0500; conn=33; op=1
# dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=exam-
# changetype: modify
# replace: homePhone
# homePhone: +1 003 428 0966
# replace: modifiersName
# modifiersName: uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com
# replace: modifyTimestamp
# modifyTimestamp: 20131010020345.546Z
For any undelete of a soft-deleted entry, the log displays the
attribute plus the entry unique ID, create time,
and creator’s name.
# 14/May/2012:10:59:21.754 -0500; conn=34; op=1
dn: uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
uid: user.2
ds-undelete-from-dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=Peo-
ds-entry-unique-id:: vw1jg801S7GWrTiS3UE5DA==
createTimestamp:: 20131010181148.630Z
creatorsName: uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com
For hard (permanent) deletes of a soft-deleted entry, the log displays the soft-deleted entry DN that was removed.
# 14/May/2012:11:00:14.055 -0500; conn=36; op=1
# dn: entryUUID=68147342-1f61-3465-8489-3de58c532130+uid=user.2,ou=People,dc=exam-
# changetype: delete