1. Run the ldapmodify tool from the command line interface.
  2. Specify the modification using the changetype:modify subcommand.
  3. Specify which attributes to add using the add option.

    In this example, we add another value for the cn attribute, which is multi-valued.

    $ bin/ldapmodify -h server.example.com -p 389 -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \
      -w password
    dn: uid=user.2004,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com 
    changetype: modify 
    add: cn 
    cn: Sally Tea Tree
  4. To process the request, enter ctrl+d twice.

    This is the UNIX EOF escape sequence.


    An error might occur if the attribute is single-valued, if the value already exists, if the value does not meet the proper syntax, or if the value does not meet the entry’s objectclass requirements.

    Remove any trailing spaces after the attribute value.