To select which server you want to manage, use one of the following four methods:

  • To use the application.yml file to select a server for the administrative console to manage:
    1. Set the ldap.server property to the address of the LDAP server to bind to.
    2. Restart the console using the following command.
      dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
          --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
          --set enabled:false
      dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop \
          --handler-name "<HTTPS Connection Handler>" \
          --set enabled:true
  • To switch between managed servers in a single topology while signed on to the administrative console, in the Servers list, select the server you want to manage.
    A screen capture of the PingDirectory administrative console Servers list.
  • To select a server when single sign-on (SSO) is not enabled and the login.hide-server property in application.yml is false:
    1. If you are signed on to the console, sign off of your current session.
    2. Change the Server field value on the console sign-on page to the address of the LDAP server you want to manage.
  • To select a server when SSO is enabled:
    1. Enter the console URL with the ldap-hostname and ldaps-port query parameters specified when accessing the console.


      In the following example URL, <hostname> is localhost, <port> is 443, ldap-hostname is, and the ldaps-port is 636.
