To configure the Directory Server to start automatically when the system boots, use the create-systemd-script utility to create a script, or create the script manually.
  1. Create the service unit configuration file in a temporary location, where "ds" is the user running PingDirectory.
    $ bin/create-systemd-script \
         --outputFile /tmp/ping-directory.service \
         --userName ds
  2. As a root user, copy the ping-directory.service configuration file into the /etc/systemd/system directory.
  3. To read the new configuration file, reload systemd.
    $ systemctl daemon-reload
  4. To start the PingDirectory, run the start command.
    $ systemctl start ping-directory.service
  5. To configure the PingDirectory to start automatically when the system boots, run the enable command.
    $ systemctl enable ping-directory.service
  6. Log out as root.

    To perform this task on an RC system, create the startup script with bin/create-rc-script and move it to the /etc/init.d directory.


    Create symlinks to this script from the /etc/rc3.d directory (starting with an “S” to ensure that the server is started) and /etc/rc0.d directory (starting with a “K” to ensure that the server is stopped).