To administer multiple servers from a single console instance, you can use Docker or a Java application server, such as Tomcat or Jetty, to run the administrative console as a standalone instance. Running the console as a standalone instance also allows you to make changes to the console without restarting the directory server's HTTPS connection handlers.
For more information on deployment options, click the following tabs.
Using Docker to run a standalone administrative console
The administrative console is available as a standalone Docker image on Docker Hub. To see a docker-compose
example that
deploys a PingDirectory container with a
corresponding console, see the PingDirectory getting started demo.
The Ping Identity Helm charts also include support for the administrative console, which you should use when deploying the console in Kubernetes.
Setting up the administrative console on a Tomcat environment
To set up a standalone console, you need the admin-console.war file from the PingDirectory server's resource/ archive.
You can use the .war file with Java application servers, such as Tomcat or Jetty. The following example uses Tomcat as the server environment.
Because Tomcat server version 10 has a defect with Spring Boot applications, use Tomcat 9 instead.