1. To isolate conflicting entries between two replicas, use the bin/ldap-diff tool.

    Replace the sourceHost value with the server that needs the adjustment.

    The following example uses the tool to search across the entire base distinguish name (DN) for any difference in user attributes and reports the difference in difference.ldif.

    $ bin/ldap-diff --sourceHost austin02.exmple.com --sourcePort 1389 \
                            --sourceBindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --sourceBindPassword pass \
                            --targetHost austin01.example.com --targetPort 1389 \
                            --targetBindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --targetBindPassword
                            --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" --outputLDIF difference.ldif \
                            --searchFilter "(objectclass=*)" --numPasses 3 "*" pass \
  2. To apply changes to the server that contains conflicts, use the difference.ldif file in a format compatible with ldapmodify.

    Run ldap-diff command with the sourceHost value as the server with conflicts.

    The following is an example of the contents of difference.ldif file.

    dn: uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
                            changetype: modify
                            add: mobile
                            mobile: +1 568 232 6789
                            delete: mobile
                            mobile: +1 568 591 7372
  3. To correct the entries on the sole server with conflicts, run bin/ldapmodify.
    $ bin/ldapmodify --bindPassword password -J "" \
                            --filename difference.ldif