You can schedule a backup to run as a task by specifying the timestamp with the --task and --start options. The option is expressed in "YYYYMMDDhhmmss’" format. If the option has a value of 0, then the task is scheduled for immediate execution. Because you can't run recurring tasks, you must run daily operations using cron or another system that can submit the task.

For online (remote) backups, you can conduct the backup operation while the PingDirectory server is online if you provide information about how to connect and to authenticate to the target PingDirectory server.

  • To schedule the backup to occur at a specific time, use the task-based --start YYYYMMDDhhmmss option.

    To specify a time in the UTC time zone format, add a trailing Z to the time. Otherwise, the time is treated as a local time in the time zone configured on the server.

    $ bin/backup --backUpAll --task --start 20111025010000 \ 
      --backupDirectory /path/to/backup --completionNotify \ 
    Backup task 2011102500084110 scheduled to start Oct 28, 2011 1:00:00 AM CDT