A provisioning channel is a mapping configuration between user attributes contained in a source user store and attributes supported or required by the targeted software-service application. You can have multiple channels to the same target as needed; for example, if your organization has separate LDAP stores (or different nodes in the same store) for various user groups needing SSO access and provisioning to the same domain.


There can be only one provisioning target per connection. If your organization subscribes to multiple domains for which you need provisioning support, you need a separate SP connection for each domain.

Manage Channels

On the Manage Channels screen, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Click Create to add a new channel.
    Alternatively, you create a new channel by copying an existing channel (and making other requird changes).
  • Select an existing channel to modify its settings.
  • Use the Delete and Undelete workflow to remove or cancel the removal request of existing channel.