A state servers clustering deployment model improves scalabiltity by reducing communication between nodes.
You can select a few engine nodes as state servers. This deployment approach scales better than the all-nodes approach because additional nodes do not require connections to every existing node, they only require a connection between each server and each state server.
Configure this deployment by setting the preferred.node.indices of other servers in a group to those of the state servers. Configure the load balancer to isolate the state-server nodes from end-user traffic.
The following diagram illustrates the state-server approach.
In this example, the two state-server nodes have indices of 1 and 2. The
preferred.node.indices property of the engine nodes handling
requests would be preferred.node.indices=1,2
Because the state servers are not processing transactions (based on the setup of the load balancer), the preferred.node.indices property for them is not used and can be left blank.