Index these OAuth client attributes using the procedure below.
Attribute name Index type
pf-oauth-client-id equality
pf-oauth-client-id ordering
pf-oauth-client-id substring
pf-oauth-client-name equality
pf-oauth-client-name ordering
pf-oauth-client-name substring
pf-oauth-client-last-modified ordering
  1. Create the indexes using the PingDirectory dsconfig utility.
    The dsconfig utility is interactive, letting you enter command arguments. The following example creates the three indexes for the pf-oauth-client-id attribute.
    $ bin/dsconfig create-local-db-index \
      --backend-name userRoot \
      --index-name pf-oauth-client-id \
      --set index-type:equality \
      --set index-type:ordering \
      --set index-type:substring
  2. After creating the indexes, build them using the rebuild-index utility.
    The following example builds the required indexes.
    $ bin/rebuild-index \
      --baseDN "dc=example,dc=com" \
      --index pf-oauth-client-id \
      --index pf-oauth-client-name \
      --index pf-oauth-client-last-modified