• Ensure you are logged on to your system with sufficient privileges to uninstall an application.
  1. Uninstall PingFederate using one of the following methods.
    • PingFederate systemd service

      Use the following systemctl commands to stop and disable Pingfederate.

      systemctl stop pingfederate ;\
      systemctl disable pingfederate ;\
      systemctl daemon-reload

      You can also remove the PingFederate systemd unit file pingfederate.service from the systemd unit files directory/etc/systemd/system prior to running the systemctl daemon-reload command.

    • PingFederate SysV initialization script

      Do one of the following:

      • Use the Service Configuration utility to stop and disable the PingFederate service.
      • Remove any symbolic links from various initialization directories to stop the PingFederate service.
      • Remove the PingFederate SysV initialization script pingfederate from the SysV initialization directory /etc/rc.d/init.d.

    Depending on the operating system, the exact directory locations may vary. Consult your system administrators as needed.

  2. Optional: Remove the PingFederate installation directory, <pf_install>.