Configcopy tool, Connection Management Service, SSO Directory Service
As of PingFederate 10.2, these features have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition
As Oracle ended its Premier Support for Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE 11g) in December 2019, we no longer include ODSEE as part of the PingFederate qualification process (starting with PingFederate 10.2). We continue to qualify against Oracle Unified Directory ( and other supported directory servers. For a full list, see System requirements.
Starting with PingFederate 10.2, monitoring and reporting through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has been removed.
Roles and protocols
Starting with PingFederate 10.1, roles and protocols are always enabled and no longer configurable through the administrative console and API.
S3_PING discovery protocol
Starting with PingFederate 10.1, the S3_PING discovery protocol has been deprecated. Customers running on AWS infrastructure should instead use NATIVE_S3_PING.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux install script
Starting with PingFederate 10.0, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux install script is no longer available. To install PingFederate 10.0 for Linux, you must download and extract the product distribution .zip file.
Email configuration
Starting with version 9.3, PingFederate provides a pluggable architecture to publish notifications in a variety of ways, configurable based on the types of events and users. PingFederate 9.3 includes both SMTP and AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) publishers out of the box. As a result, the upgrade process now migrates email server settings from the source installation as an SMTP Notification Publisher instance in the new PingFederate installation. See Configuring an SMTP Notification Publisher instance for more information.
Cookie-based IRSM tracking
Cookie-based Inter-Request State-Management (IRSM) tracking was discontinued in PingFederate 9.2. Group RPC-based session tracking remains the default choice.
Oracle Solaris 10
Starting with version 9.2, Oracle Solaris 10 is no longer included in the PingFederate qualification process. For a list of supported operating systems, see System requirements.
The Auto-Connect feature has been discontinued in PingFederate 9.2. If such usage is detected in the source installation during an upgrade, the upgrade tool warns the administrator about it. Administrators should remove Auto-Connect configuration from the source installation and re-run the upgrade tool.
JMX monitoring support for outbound provisioning
JMX monitoring of outbound provisioning is no longer an option starting with version 9.2. If such usage is detected in the source installation during an upgrade, the upgrade tool warns the administrator about it. No further action is required. Outbound provisioning transactions are written to the provisioner-audit.log file in the new installation. See Outbound provisioning audit logging for more information.
Logging configuration
The default logging configuration has been optimized since PingFederate 8.2. As a result, the product distribution no longer includes the terse.example.log4j2.xml file in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf directory, starting with version 8.4.

See Log4j 2 logging service and configuration for more information.

Plain text email notification templates
Starting with version 8.2, PingFederate has switched the format of its email notification from plain text to HTML. The new HTML-based templates (message-template-*.html) are located in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/template/mail-notifications directory. As a result, PingFederate no longer maintains the plain text templates (message-template-*.txt).

To preserve previous modifications, you must migrate custom changes manually. For more information, see Copying customized files or settings for more information.

SpSessionAuthnAdapterId and SourceResource (query parameters for the /sp/ endpoint)
Support for the previously optional SpSessionAuthnAdapterId and SourceResource have been dropped in favor of the SLO improvements introduced in version 8.2.
BoneCP as the JDBC connection pool library
As of PingFederate 8.0, support for BoneCP as the JDBC connection pool library has been deprecated and replaced with Apache Commons DBCP™ 2, which requires JDBC 4.1 or later drivers.
Verify the database-driver JAR files, found in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/lib directory, meet the minimum version requirement. If you are using JDBC drivers of version 4.0 (or earlier), contact your vendors for the latest drivers and replace the older JDBC database-driver JAR files.
DSA certificate creation
Starting with PingFederate 7.3, it is no longer possible to create DSA key pairs in the certificate management pages of PingFederate. Import of DSA key pairs continues to be supported.
Username Token Translator
As of PingFederate 7.2, the Username Token Translator has been deprecated and replaced with an integrated Username Token Processor. While the integrated Username Token Processor and the deprecated Username Token Translator can be simultaneously deployed, we recommend you migrate to the new token processor.
See Migrating to the integrated Username Token Processor for more information.
LDAP Adapter
Starting with PingFederate 7.2, the LDAP Adapter is no longer supported. This adapter was deprecated in PingFederate 6.6 and replaced by the LDAP Username Password Credential Validator (PCV), which can be used with the HTML Form or HTTP Basic Adapters. See Migrating to the integrated LDAP Username PCV for more information.