If the Upgrade Utility or the PingFederate installer for Windows determines that the Log4j configuration file ( <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/log4j.xml) has changed since it was originally installed, these upgrade tools copy the modified log4j.xml to the new installation with a new name and installs the new log4j2.xml from the product.zip file.

The new name for the previously customized log4j.xml is log4j-old-<SourceVersion>.xml, where <SourceVersion> is the version number of the source PingFederate installation.

Both configuration files are located in the conf directory.

To migrate custom changes from Log4j to Log4j2:

  1. Review custom changes by comparing log4j-old-<SourceVersion>.xml the pf-upgrade-<NewVersion>/reference-files/<SourceVersion>/server/default/conf/log4j.xml file from the upgrade tool.

    The <SourceVersion> values must match.

  2. Modify the log4j2.xml file to suit your needs.

    The configuration syntax between Log4j and Log4j2 varies. For more information, see the Apache Log4j 2 documentation.

  3. If you are writing log messages to a database server, enter the database information into log4j2.db.properties in the same conf directory.
  4. If you have a clustered PingFederate environment, repeat steps 2 and 3 for all applicable PingFederate nodes in the cluster.