Specific tables are required in order for PingFederate to store authentication sessions on your database server. Table-setup scripts are provided for supported database servers.

  1. Run the table-setup scripts, provided in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/authentication-session/sql-scripts directory, for your database server.
  2. If you have not already done so, go to System > Data & Credential Stores. In the Data Stores window, create a Java Database Connection (JDBC) datastore for your database server.
  3. Copy the system ID of the applicable JDBC datastore from the Data Stores window.
  4. Edit the org.sourceid.saml20.service.session.data.impl.SessionStorageManagerJdbcImpl.xml file, located in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/data/config-store directory.

    For a clustered PingFederate environment, edit this file on the administrative console node first, and then replicate to other engine nodes using System > Server > Cluster Management as explained in later steps.

    Replace the <c:item name="PingFederateDSJNDIName"/> element value with the system ID of your data store connection and save the file.

    For example, if the system ID is JDBC-123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF123456A0A6, update the org.sourceid.saml20.service.session.data.impl.SessionStorageManagerJdbcImpl.xml file as follows.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <c:config xmlns:c="http://www.sourceid.org/2004/05/config">
        <c:item name="PingFederateDSJNDIName">JDBC-123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF123456A0A6</c:item>
  5. Edit the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/META-INF/hivemodule.xml file.
    If the system ID is SessionStorageManager, locate the SessionStorageManager service point, set the value of the class attribute to org.sourceid.saml20.service.session.data.impl.SessionStorageManagerJdbcImpl (the default value), then save the file.
    <!-- Service for storing Authentication Sessions. -->
    <service-point id="SessionStorageManager" interface="org.sourceid.saml20.service.session.data.SessionStorageManager">
            <construct class="org.sourceid.saml20.service.session.data.impl.SessionStorageManagerJdbcImpl"/>

    For a clustered environment, you must edit the hivemodule.xml file on each node manually as cluster replication can't replicate this change to other nodes.

  6. Start or restart the PingFederate service.

    For a clustered PingFederate environment, replicate this new configuration to other engine nodes on System > Server > Cluster Management. Start or restart the PingFederate service on each engine node to activate the change.

PingFederate removes expired authentication sessions from the database once a day. To fine-tune the frequency and the number of expired authentication sessions to remove, see Managing authentication sessions stored in the database.