Authentication sources are identifiers for third-party identity providers, such as social providers used to display these providers on the HTML form adapter user interface as alternate authentication and registration options. They are also used in authentication policies to configure branches to identity provider (IdP) adapters and connections.
Authentication sources are optional. They are the identifiers for third-party identity providers, such as social network providers. When defined, the associated HTML Form Adapter instance displays them on the sign-on page as alternative options for authentication and registration, if enabled. If profile management is enabled, users can connect or disconnect third-party identity providers to and from their accounts.
You can store attributes received from third-party identity providers as part of the user records. If required, attributes can be updated as users authenticate. By default, attributes are removed from user records as users disconnect third-party identity providers from their accounts. It is worth noting that storing attributes received from third-party identity providers is optional and configurable on a per-local identity profile basis. Additionally, this option is only applicable when a local identity profile is configured with registration, profile management, or both.