Heartbeat endpoint

If the PingFederate server is running, the process of sending a request to the endpoint /pf/heartbeat.ping returns an HTTP 200 status. If the request times out or requires an extended amount of time to return, the server might be overloaded or experiencing other difficulties.

If a request requires more than two or three seconds to return, multiple factors in your PingFederate deployment might be responsible. We recommend that you develop a baseline for the desired response time by testing the heartbeat endpoint of your deployment at various times. This endpoint can be useful when load balancing a cluster of PingFederate instances. Some load balancers can alter the number of requests that are sent to a particular server based on the response code received, or the responsiveness of requests that are made to the heartbeat endpoint.

The output of the heartbeat endpoint can be modified to provide performance-related information, such as CPU and memory usage, and response times. The response metrics can help you make better auto-scaling decisions. The map size metrics can help you recognize performance issues.

The following example shows a report containing all the PingFederate server metrics available from the heartbeat endpoint.

    "cpu.load": "77.31",
    "total.jvm.memory": "1045.955 MB",
    "free.jvm.memory": "486.56 MB",
    "used.jvm.memory": "559.395 MB",
    "total.physical.system.memory": "68.719 GB",
    "total.free.physical.system.memory": "15781.827 MB",
    "total.used.physical.system.memory": "52.938 GB",
    "number.of.cpus": "12",
    "response.statistics.count": "4074",
    "response.statistics.window.seconds": "10",
    "response.time.statistics.90.percentile": "450.883584",
    "response.time.statistics.mean": "112.82695139911635",
    "response.time.statistics.min": "0.0",
    "response.time.statistics.max": "7951.0",
    "response.concurrency.statistics.90.percentile": "49.2421875",
    "response.concurrency.statistics.mean": "45.562130177514796",
    "response.concurrency.statistics.min": "0.0",
    "response.concurrency.statistics.max": "51.0",
    "response.http.status.1xx": "0",
    "response.http.status.2xx": "3052",
    "response.http.status.3xx": "1017",
    "response.http.status.4xx": "0",
    "response.http.status.5xx": "0",
    "transaction.count": "2037",
    "transaction.errors": "0",
    "total.transactions": "4050",
    "total.failed.transactions": "0",
    "ds.JDBC.PFDefaultDS.request.count": "3945",
    "ds.JDBC.PFDefaultDS.response.time.90.percentile": "8.024064",
    "ds.JDBC.PFDefaultDS.response.time.mean": "2.2572877059569074",
    "ds.JDBC.PFDefaultDS.response.time.min": "0.0",
    "ds.JDBC.PFDefaultDS.response.time.max": "157.0",
    "engine.jetty.queued.thread.pool.utilized.threads": "52",
    "engine.jetty.queued.thread.pool.max.available.threads": "199",
    "engine.jetty.queued.thread.pool.utilization.rate": "0.2613065326633166",
    "engine.jetty.queued.thread.pool.queue.size": "0",
    "idp.session.registry.session.map.size": "2034",
    "sp.session.registry.session.map.size": "0",
    "session.state.attribute.map.size": "2034",
    "transaction.state.map.size": "0",
    "atm.default.token.map.size": "0"

The following table describes all the PingFederate server metrics available from the heartbeat endpoint.

Note: In the following table, for server metrics that end in .90.percentile, the current 90 value is determined by the ServerPercentilesList item in the com.pingidentity.monitoring.MonitoringService.xml file. 90 is the default value. For more information on how to edit this value, see step 4 in Liveliness and responsiveness.
Server metrics Description

Load on the PingFederate server's cores as a percentage of total capacity


Total memory of the JVM


Free memory of the JVM


Used memory of the JVM


Total system memory


Free system memory


Used system memory


Number of cores on the PingFederate server


Number of items considered in the heartbeat report for the time and concurrency statistics


Time interval (in seconds) for the statistics report (this is an echo of the StatisticsWindowSecs parameter's value and provides context for the concurrency and time statistics)


The 90th percentile response time in milliseconds during the statistics window (for example, if this value is 168, then 90% of the report samples had response times below 168 milliseconds)


Longest time in milliseconds that the PingFederate server took to respond during the statistics window


Mean time in milliseconds that the PingFederate server took to respond during the statistics window


Shortest time in milliseconds that the PingFederate server took to respond during the statistics window


The 90th percentile response concurrency during the statistics window (for example, if this value is 124, then 90% of the report samples had response concurrency values below 124)


Maximum number of HTTP requests that the PingFederate server processed concurrently during the statistics window


Mean number of HTTP requests that the PingFederate server processed concurrently during the statistics window


Minimum number of HTTP requests that the PingFederate server processed concurrently during the statistics window


Number of 1xx HTTP response codes during the statistics window


Number of 2xx HTTP response codes during the statistics window


Number of 3xx HTTP response codes during the statistics window


Number of 4xx HTTP response codes during the statistics window


Number of 5xx HTTP response codes during the statistics window


Number of SSO, SLO, and STS transactions during the statistics window


Number of failed SSO, SLO, and STS transactions during the statistics window


Total number of SSO, SLO, and STS transactions since the server started


Total number of failed SSO, SLO, and STS transactions since the server started


Number of requests for the data store during the statistics window


The data store's 90th percentile response time in milliseconds during the statistics window


The data store's mean response time in milliseconds during the statistics window


The data store's minimum response time in milliseconds during the statistics window


The data store's maximum response time in milliseconds during the statistics window


Number of threads in the Jetty thread pool that are currently in use


Maximum number of threads in the Jetty thread pool


The threads in the pool that are currently in use, as a fraction of the maximum available threads


Number of requests currently queued waiting to be handled by a thread in the pool


Number of identity provider sessions


Number of service provider sessions


Number of items in the session state attribute map


Number of items in the SSO transaction state map


Number of tokens in the access token manager with the ID specified by <atm>

As indicated in the table, the values of some metrics are calculated over a configurable time window. The default statistics window is five minutes.

To customize the statistics window period, change the value of the StatisticsWindowSecs parameter in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/data/config-store/com.pingidentity.monitoring.MonitoringService.xml file. This file also lets you specify additional JMX MBean attributes that will be made available to the heartbeat page templates.

For more information, see Customizing the heartbeat message

Response-time logging

By default, the audit logs record the processing time for each transaction. With audit logging enabled, you can identify the speed with which PingFederate processes the following transaction types:

  • Single sign-on (SSO)
  • OAuth
  • Security token services (STS)

Depending on your logging configuration, audit logging might not log any transactions. For more information, see Security audit logging.

The following provides examples of the default audit log.
2019-11-10 13:24:57,493| tid:cYunBsgybiw_fiRnJjkAhbIXvzc| AUTHN_SESSION_USED| | | | ac_client| | localhost| IdP| success| PdFormAdpt| | 17
2019-11-10 13:24:58,720| tid:cYunBsgybiw_fiRnJjkAhbIXvzc| OAuth| 5c60f022-1e9d-3fbe-9749-4b9ca5591356| | | ac_client| OAuth20| localhost| AS| success| PdFormAdpt| | 7

Processing times are shown at the end of the entry in milliseconds.