PingFederate manages scopes and scope groups in common and exclusive buckets.
Common scopes and scope groups are optional. They are available to all clients by default. You can restrict individual clients to a subset of common scopes or scope groups on a client-by-client basis in their client configurations.
Exclusive scopes and scope groups are also optional. They are restricted from all clients by default. However, you can grant individual clients access to one or more exclusive scopes or scope groups in their client configurations.
You can also create static scopes, static scope groups, and dynamic scopes. Scope groups allow clients to request a "super scope" and optionally downgrade to a subset of it later. Dynamic scopes address the business requirement where clients want to request authorization by using scope values with a variable component from one request to another. For detailed information about scopes, see Scopes and scope management.
You can manage scopes, scope groups, and the default scope description from Scope Management window. Configuration steps for common and exclusive scopes and scope groups are identical.
on theA scope or scope group is either a common scope or group, or an exclusive scope or group. Duplicate scopes and scope groups are not allowed.
Create scopes that are for the majority of clients as common scopes. Create scopes that are for a minority of clients as exclusive scopes. You can organize common or exclusive static scopes into common or exclusive scope groups.
Scopes and scope groups represent access to resources or APIs on the resource server . For clients supporting the OpenID Connect protocol, you can direct the developers to your PingFederate OpenID Provider configuration endpoint to retrieve a list of common scopes and common scope groups.
By default, the OpenID Provider configuration endpoint does not return exclusive static scopes, exclusive scope groups, common dynamic scopes, and exclusive dynamic scopes. You can customize the response to include such individual scopes and scope groups.