Learn how to uninstall PingFederate from a Windows or Linux server.
Uninstalling PingFederate involves removing the previously-installed PingFederate service and the installation directory, <pf_install>.
Click the corresponding tabs for instructions on uninstalling from Windows or from Linux.
Uninstalling PingFederate from a Windows server
- Ensure you are signed on to your system with sufficient privileges to uninstall an application.
- Optionally, make a backup copy of the PingFederate installation directory <pf_install>.
The method you use to uninstall PingFederate depends on whether you installed it using the installer for Windows or the distribution .zip file.
Uninstalling PingFederate from a Linux server
- Ensure you are signed on to your system with sufficient privileges to uninstall an application.
You can use the systemd service or the SysV initialization script to uninstall PingFederate from a Linux server.