Use PingFederate's self-service user name recovery feature to enable users to recover their lost user names through their email addresses.
PingFederate offers self-service user name recovery for users to recover their accounts through email if they forget their user names.
This optional capability is integrated into the HTML Form Adapter and the LDAP
Username Password Credential Validator (PCV). PingFederate supports PingDirectory,
Microsoft Active Directory, Oracle Unified Directory, and Oracle Directory Server
out-of-the-box. Custom PCV implementations can also be developed to offer the same
capability for users stored in non-LDAP data sources. For more information,see the
interface in Javadoc.
The Javadoc for PingFederate is located in the <pf_install>/pingfederate/sdk/doc directory.
You successfully created a new instance or modified an existing instance of the HTML Form Adapter with the self-service user name recovery capability.
When a user signs on through this adapter instance, the user has the option to recover the user name using the Trouble Signing On link.
You can also provide your users the per-adapter username recovery endpoint /ext/idrecovery/Recover, which allows them to recover their user name through this HTML Form Adapter instance without submitting single sign-on (SSO) requests.