Field Description
Client ID The client ID that you noted in Registering PingFederate as an OAuth application in GitHub.
Client Secret The client secret that you noted in Registering PingFederate as an OAuth application in GitHub.
Authorization Callback Endpoint The PingFederate endpoint that GitHub uses to respond to authorization requests. If you set a custom endpoint in the Authorization callback URL field in Registering PingFederate as an OAuth application in GitHub, change this field to match.

This default value is /github-authn.

Error Redirect URL When an error occurs in the adapter, PingFederate redirects the browser to this URL instead of the default error page.

This field is blank by default.

Field Description
GitHub Authorization URL The URL that PingFederate uses to send authorization requests to GitHub. If GitHub changes this endpoint, enter the new URL.

The default value is

GitHub Access Token URL The URL that PingFederate uses to retrieve access tokens from GitHub. If GitHub changes this endpoint, enter the new URL.

The default value is

GitHub User Info URL The URL that PingFederate uses to retrieve user data from GitHub.

The default value is

GitHub User Email URL The URL that PingFederate uses to retrieve user email data from GitHub.

The default value is

GitHub User Logout URL The URL that PingFederate redirects the browser to after a user logs out of the application. By default, the user is not logged out of GitHub.
If you also want PingFederate to log the user out of GitHub, enter
Note: The GitHub logout page does not redirect the user back to PingFederate or the application.

This field is blank by default.

Scopes The scopes that you want to request from GitHub. Separate scopes with a space.

The default value is user:email read:user.

GitHub Sign-on Presentation

Determines how the adapter presents the GitHub sign-on form.

Redirect (default)
The adapter redirects the browser to the GitHub sign-on form.
Pop-up window
The adapter opens a new window with the GitHub sign-on form on a PingFederate template. Use this option if automatic redirects are blocked by your users' browsers.

This setting has no effect when using the adapter through the PingFederate authentication API.

GitHub Pop-Up Template The template file that presents the GitHub sign-on form. Applies only when GitHub Login Presentation is set to Pop-up window.

The default value is github-pop-up-template.html.

GitHub Post-Auth Template The template file that the adapter presents after the user signs on. Applies only when GitHub Login Presentation is set to Pop-up window.

The default value is github-post-auth-template.html.

GitHub Messages File The language-pack file associated with the GitHub pop-up template.

The default value is pingfederate-github-adapter-messages.

Retry Request Determines whether PingFederate will retry requests after it receives a response with a failure code.

This check box is cleared by default.

Maximum Retries Limit Determines how many times PingFederate retries a request.

The default value is 5.

Retry Error Codes A list of response codes that you want to trigger a retry. Separate response codes with a comma.

The default value is 403.

API Request Timeout

The amount of time in milliseconds that PingFederate allows when establishing a connection with GitHub or waiting for a response to a request. A value of 0 disables the timeout.

The default value is 5000.

Proxy Settings

Defines proxy settings for outbound HTTP requests.

The default value is System Defaults.

Custom Proxy Host

The proxy server hostname to use when Proxy Settings is set to Custom.

This field is blank by default.

Custom Proxy Port

The proxy server port to use when Proxy Settings is set to Custom.

This field is blank by default.