1. Go to the Ping Identity OAuth Configuration Service.
  2. Select the Google Workspace Connector from the drop down menu.
  3. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret that you generated in the Obtain an application name, client ID, and secret section of this guide.
  4. Click Connect to proceed. This generates an OAuth 2.0 authorization token and redirects you to Google for authorization.
  5. Log on to Google with a Super Administrator account.

    If you are already signed in to Google Apps, you will not be asked to log in again.

    Please be sure that the account you are signed in under is an administrative account.

  6. On successful login, you are redirected to Google’s OAuth authorization screen, where you’ll be asked to grant access to the scopes that the Google Workspace Provisioner uses to make requests to the Google Admin SDK.
  7. Once you grant access on the OAuth authorization screen, you will be redirected to the OCS and presented with an authorized Access Token and Refresh Token to use when configuring the Google Workspace Provisioner.

    Only one Refresh Token will be generated per Client ID; so it is important to make note of the Refresh Token presented by the OCS in the final step.


    If another Refresh Token is required, you will need to obtain a new Client ID and Secret and to use with the OCS again.

  8. Copy the Access Token and Refresh Token to use when configuring the Google Workspace Provisioner.