1. Download the PingOne Integration Kit .zip archive from the Add-ons tab of the PingFederate downloads page.
  2. Stop PingFederate.
  3. If you are upgrading an existing deployment, back up your customizations and delete earlier versions of the integration files:
    1. Back up any PingOne Integration Kit files that you customized in <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/ including pingfederate-messages.properties.
    2. Delete the following files from <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/deploy:
      • pf-pingone-datastore-<version>.jar
      • pf-pingone-pcv-<version>.jar
      • pf-p14c-datastore-<version>.jar
      • pf-p14c-pcv-<version>.jar
      • pf-pingone-quickconnection-<version>.jar
      • pf-p14c-quickconnection-<version>.jar
      • pf-pingoneuserstore-connector-<version>.jar
  4. From the .zip archive, copy the contents of dist to <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/.
  5. If you backed up any customized files, modify the new files with your customizations.
  6. Merge the contents of pingone-auth-messages.properties into <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/pingfederate-messages.properties.
    1. If a key does not exist in pingfederate-messages.properties, add the line from pingone-auth-messages.properties.
    2. If a key already exist in pingfederate-messages.properties, update it from pingone-auth-messages.properties.
  7. Enable the PingFederate provisioning engine.
    1. In <pf_install>/pingfederate/bin, open run.properties for editing.
    2. Change pf.provisioner.mode to STANDALONE. Save the file.

    To configure the FAILOVER mode instead, see Deploying provisioning failover in the PingFederate documentation.

  8. Start PingFederate.
  9. If you operate PingFederate in a cluster, repeat steps 2-6 and step 8 for each engine node.