Process flow

  1. The PingOne MFA adapter invokes FIDO usernameless authentication flow if the adapter is invoked using a policy.action attribute containing one of the following keywords:
    • biometrics
    • TouchID
    • FaceID
    • FIDO

    On the Authentication Sources tab of the Local Identity Profile page in the PingFederate administrative console, add the keyword that you want to use in the Authentication Source section. The following screen captures use the biometrics keyword as an example.

    Screen capture showing the Authentication Sources tab with the QR Code and biometrics key word listed under Authentication Source.
  2. In the PingFederate administrative console, go to Authentication > Policies and open the authentication policy that you want to use. In the Policy section, click Rules underneath the html - (Adapter).
    Screen capture of the adapter policy where you should configure policy actions.

    In the Rules window, configure the policy.action attribute for the keyword that you selected in step 1. In this example, biometrics. Set the Condition as equal to and input your selected keyword as both the Value and Result.


The adapter can be made to skip FIDO usernameless authentication flow and follow regular authentication flow by passing the ignore-fido-policy-action attribute through chained attributes with the value True. This forces the adapter to skip FIDO policy action and follow its regular authentication flow path.

Screen capture of the Rules window showing the policy.action attribute mapped to the biometrics keyword.

The keywords that you configured now display as options in the Sign On window.

Screen capture of the sign on window showing QR code and biometrics as options under Sign On With.

Authentication API flow

When authN API flow is invoked for the useAlternativeAuthenticationSource action for biometrics, the adapter responds with the BIOMETRIC_DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO_REQUIRED state.

The application must provide its host name through origin to continue with biometric device authentication. This invokes biometric authentication flow transitioning to the ASSERTION_REQUIRED state requiring data from client to complete biometric authentication.

  "id": "NqMl7",
  "pluginTypeId": "j_AGR1E__nc2USbRhZPMQQ",
  "devices": [],
  "publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions": {
    "challenge": [
    "timeout": 120000,
    "rpId": "",
    "userVerification": "required",
    "allowCredentials": []
  "manualPairingPermitted": false,
  "manualPairing": false,
  "userSelectedDefault": false,
  "changeDevicePermitted": false,
  "_links": {
    "cancelAuthentication": {
      "href": ""
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "checkAssertion": {
      "href": ""

Core contract attributes

At the end of successful authentication flow, the following core attributes are filled based on information found in a successful PingOne check assertion API response:

(existing core attribute) - username
(new core attribute) - platform information
(new core attribute) - user ID

For example, for response below, the username, usernameless.flow.platform and usernameless.flow.userid attribute values are demouser, MAC, and 78fe678a-5ec0-49b3-bcd7-742523cb216a, respectively.

  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : ""
  "_embedded" : {
    "devices" : [ {
      "id" : "00528f83-ae17-459a-838e-3f1226705a3a",
      "type" : "PLATFORM",
      "status" : "ACTIVE",
      "rp" : {
        "id" : "",
        "name" : "PingFederate"
      "fidoRegistrationArtifacts" : {
        "attestationType" : "SELF"
      "platform" : "MAC",
      "_embedded" : {
        "webAuthnCredentials" : {
          "credentialId" : "3mP-Uv1u_9i9cM025m9SKIqfMIz-TcDgRBJR_BP8xA2BxeN6Hmgzs-s8DKYZIXbDgioqrfoLCftUp0kzeFrvHT6hAGHoe2OFoLsrx_vuLsmmREyHqoZGWVsUxFEjNqo1eEhSpsTx5YnO54GQ4H6hMRAuutyWNnlj",
          "userHandle" : "plAY2tGM7kS7coi2+0DPU6xk1A63DDr2TUuYBGVfCRE=",
          "credentialPublicKey" : "pQECAyYgASFYIBI_xOdmnL_OEcewdD2abF30WCmt8KJlix_8WNPIuysPIlggNxYEbOiR8NlgIEkKvrbSaJKsokXmKxS_Nl3JwT_ctfE=",
          "signCount" : 0
        "user" : {
          "id" : "78fe678a-5ec0-49b3-bcd7-742523cb216a",
          "environment" : {
            "id" : "23c17a79-4972-4a46-871e-9b1121823917"
          "username" : "demouser",
          "email" : "",
          "population" : {
            "id" : "50756a1a-1b5d-49e2-b316-b3511fdc7a9f"
          "name" : {
            "given" : "demouser"
    } ]
  "id" : "0326f203-950e-418c-9cdb-829c5a4a2586",
  "environment" : {
    "id" : "23c17a79-4972-4a46-871e-9b1121823917"
  "status" : "COMPLETED",
  "policy" : {
    "id" : "bc8d02b5-ba91-0fe1-195c-4cc8ea5a77a3"
  "selectedDevice" : {
    "id" : "00528f83-ae17-459a-838e-3f1226705a3a"
  "user" : {
    "id" : "78fe678a-5ec0-49b3-bcd7-742523cb216a"
  "rp" : {
    "id" : ""
  "publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions" : "{\"challenge\":[119,-85,-127,71,6,46,47,8,-58,-9,95,-94,77,-82,103,-98,87,11,-90,1,-69,-59,-33,78,-39,63,-55,-10,-101,77,-84,-126],\"timeout\":120000,\"rpId\":\"\",\"allowCredentials\":[],\"userVerification\":\"required\"}",
  "authenticators" : [ "mfa", "user" ],
  "createdAt" : "2022-09-10T00:12:57.489Z",
  "updatedAt" : "2022-09-10T00:13:02.418Z"