This task is optional. You can use logging for troubleshooting or analytics.

For general information about logging, see Enabling debug messages and console logging in the PingFederate documentation.

  1. Open the <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/log4j2.xml file for editing.
  2. To log activity for PingFederate and all adapters:
    1. Find the following section in the file:
      <AsyncRoot level="INFO" includeLocation="false">
      	<!-- <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" /> -->
      	<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
    2. Change INFO to DEBUG.

      The following code snippet shows DEBUG in bold for visibility:

      <AsyncRoot level="DEBUG" includeLocation="false">
      	<!-- <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" /> -->
      	<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
    3. Optional: To see the adapter activity in the console and the log file, remove the comment tags (<!-- and -->) that surround the CONSOLE line:
      <AsyncRoot level="INFO" includeLocation="false">
      	<AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
      	<AppenderRef ref="FILE" />
  3. To log activity relating to the PingOne Protect IdP Adapter, do one of the following.

    You can use this information with a third-party log analysis tool to monitor for important events, such as when a sign-on event has a high-risk risk evaluation.

    • To log activity for the PingOne Protect IdP Adapter and its HTTPS and component activity, add the following line:
      <Logger name="com.pingidentity.adapters.pingone.risk" level="DEBUG"/>
    • To log activity for the adapter's HTTPS activity and other components but not the adapter itself, add the following line:
      <Logger name="com.pingidentity.adapters.pingone.risk.shade" level="DEBUG"/>
    • To log activity for the PingOne Protect IdP Adapter but not its HTTPS or component activity, add the following lines:
      <Logger name="com.pingidentity.adapters.pingone.risk" level="DEBUG"/>
      <Logger name="com.pingidentity.adapters.pingone.risk.shade" level="INFO"/>
  4. Save the file.