Attribute Description

The Contact's email address.

This attribute is required.

Last name

The Contact's last name.

This attribute is required.

Assistant's Name

The Contact's assistant's name.


The Contact's birthdate.

Clean Status

Indicates the record's clean status compared with

Values include: Matched, Different, Acknowledged, NotFound, Inactive, Pending, SelectMatch, or Skipped.

Contact Description

A description of the Contact. Key

The Contact's Contact ID in


The Contact's department.


The date and time that an email bounced. Applies when bounce management is activated, and an email sent to the Contact bounced.


The reason that an email bounced. Applies when bounce management is activated, and an email sent to the Contact bounced.


The Contact’s fax number.

First name

The Contact’s first name.

Home Phone

The Contact's home phone number.

Individual ID

ID of the data privacy record associated with this Contact.

This field is available when Data Protection and Privacy in are enabled Salesforce.


The Contact's industry.

Lead Source

The Contact's source, e.g. Web, Phone Inquiry, Partner Referral, Purchased List, Other.

Mailing City

The Contact's mailing city.

Mailing Country Code

The Contact's mailing country code.

Mailing Country

The Contact's mailing country.

Mailing Geocode Accuracy

Accuracy level of the geocode for the mailing address.

Mailing Latitude

Used with Longitude to specify the precise geolocation of an address.

Acceptable values are numbers between –90 and 90 up to 15 decimal places.

Mailing Longitude

Used with Latitude to specify the precise geolocation of an address.

Acceptable values are numbers between –180 and 180 up to 15 decimal places.

Mailing Phone

The Contact's mailing phone number.

Mailing State/Province Code

The Contact's mailing state or province code.

Mailing State/Province

The Contact's mailing state or province.

Mailing Street

The Contact's mailing street.

Mailing Zip/Postal Code

The Contact's mailing ZIP or postal code.

Mobile Phone

The Contact's mobile phone number.

Other City

The Contact's "other" city.

Other Country Code

The Contact's "other" country code.

Other Country

The Contact's "other" country.

Other Geocode Accuracy

Accuracy level of the geocode for the "other" address.

Other Latitude

Used with Longitude to specify the precise geolocation of an address.

Acceptable values are numbers between –90 and 90 up to 15 decimal places.

Other Longitude

Used with Latitude to specify the precise geolocation of an address.

Acceptable values are numbers between –180 and 180 up to 15 decimal places.

Other Phone

The Contact's "other" phone number.

Other State/Province Code

The Contact's "other" state or province code.

Other State/Province

The Contact's "other" state or province.

Other Street

The Contact's "other" street.

Other Zip/Postal Code

The Contact's "other" ZIP or postal code.

Owner ID

The ID of the Contact's owner.


The Contact's phone number.

Reports To ID

The ID of the person that the Contact reports to.


The Contact's salutation.


The Contact's job title.