The localization files in the .zip file that you downloaded have the naming convention Localization_<locale>.properties.

The following example shows the content of the file.

pingid.enrollment.content.body=Your  company  is  …  so let’s get started.
pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line=Welcome to PingID
pingid.enrollment.content.description=Great news! … link to download PingID. want to use a different authentication method.

The pingid.enrollment.content.body item is the Body text.

The pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line item is the Title text.

The remaining two lines refer to the legacy Enrollment page and are not relevant when using the New Enrollment Page.

To customize Title and Body messages offline:

  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file.
  2. Edit the Localization_<locale>.properties files to customize the message text.

    If there are errors in the field names pingid.enrollment.content.body and pingid.enrollment.content.subject.line strings, or those field names are not in the localization file, the affected message reverts to the default text for its locale.

  3. Create a new .zip file containing your customized properties files. You can use any file name for the .zip file.

    The .zip file must be a flat structure containing only the desired files.

    • Uploading a .zip file with an invalid structure returns the error message File doesn't contain any valid localizations.
    • Only files with file names complying with the Localization_<locale>.properties naming convention are uploaded.
    • Files containing file names that do not comply with the Localization_<locale>.properties naming convention are ignored. This permits inclusion of instruction and maintenance files in the .zip file, such as readme.txt.
    • Localization files for unsupported locales are ignored.
  4. In the Upload Localization File section, click Choose File. In the file browser that opens, select the .zip file that you created in step 3.

    A screen capture of the Localization window and a populated list of Languages Updated.
    Languages Updated
    A list of the language locales whose messages change with this update.
    Languages Removed
    A list of the language locales whose messages restore to the default messages with this update.
  5. Click Save to accept and upload the changes, or Cancel to abandon the upload.
  6. If you have removed languages, click Confirm to complete the upload.
    Removed language messages are replaced by their defaults.

    A screen capture of the message asking to confirm the changes to remove languages.
    • Uploading a .zip file of offline localization files resets online customizations for languages excluded from the .zip file. For example, if you make an online customization of English messages and then upload a .zip file that contains only a localization file for Spanish, only the Spanish messages update according to the uploaded customization. The English messages restore to the default message text.
    • The system does not maintain a history of changes.