To ensure that PingID app configurations can be pushed to iOS devices, install an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate in Microsoft Intune.
As a Global Administrator in the Microsoft Azure portal, go to Intune > Device Enrollment > Apple Enrollment, and then click Apple MDM Push
The Configure MDM Push Certificate window is displayed.
In the Configure MDM Push Certificate window, complete the
following fields.
- In section 1, select the I Agree check box.
- In section 2, click Download Your CSR.
In section 3, click Create Your MDM Push
The Apple Push Certificates Portal window opens in your browser.
- Sign on to the Apple Push Certificates Portal.
In either the Get Started section or the
Certificates for Third-Party Servers section, click
Create a Certificate.
If your organization does not yet have any Apple Push certificates, the Get Started section is displayed. Otherwise, the Certificates list is displayed.
- Click Choose File and browse for the certificate signing request (CSR) file you created previously, and then click Upload.
- In the row of the new APNs certificate, click Download.
Return to the Configure MDM Push Certificate window and
complete the following fields.
- In section 4, enter your Apple ID.
- In section 5, from the Apple MDM Push Certificate list, select your APNs certificate.
- Click Upload, and then save your configuration.
Add the PingID app for iOS. For more information, see Adding the PingID app for iOS in Microsoft Intune.