Verify that you have already installed the following prerequisite software packages:


Installation from operating system-specific source packages is covered here:

Follow the steps shown below for other Unix/Linux flavors.

To install PingID SSH from the source package:

  1. Get the latest version of the package from
  2. Extract the package.
  3. Go to the directory of the extracted PingID package:
    cd pingid-<version>
  4. Run the configuration utility:
    ./configure --with-pam --prefix=/usr

    In CentOS 7 & RHEL 7, when SELinux is installed, you might need to add this parameter to the configure command: --enable-selinux. See SELinux section in PingID SSH support information.


    When running the ./configure command, there is an option to specify that the use_base64_key field in the PingID properties file should be obfuscated. To use this option, include the --with-obfuscation switch.

    If you have openssl and base64 installed, the key required for obfuscation will be generated automatically so you can just use the following syntax:

    ./configure --with-obfuscation

    If you don't have openssl and base64 installed, this command results in an error message. In this case, you can generate the key manually and then use --with-obfuscation as follows:

    ./configure --with-obfuscation=<keyToUse>
  5. Build and install PingID SSH:
    sudo make install

    The following files will be installed, assuming the configure command was executed with the --prefix=/usr parameter:

    • /usr/sbin/pingid_fc
    • /usr/etc/pingid/pingid.conf

      (/etc/pingid/pingid.conf on FHS-compliant systems)

    • If PAM was enabled, depending on the platform architecture:
      • /lib64/security/ or
      • /lib/security/

    For more about installation directories, see autoconf installation directories.

  6. Test the installation:
    pingid_fc -v

    You should see output similar to the following:

    PingID API version 4.0 (Package version 4.0.7)
    Configuration file: /usr/etc/pingid/pingid.conf
  7. Download the relevant PingID properties file (see Integrate PingID with SSH).
  8. Copy the properties file to /usr/etc/pingid/
    sudo cp /usr/etc/pingid/

    Do not make any changes to the contents of the file.