The PingID SDK 1.7 package is released with the following components:
PingID SDK component Module Submodule Version Status

PingID Mobile SDK

PingID Mobile SDK for Android 1.3 Unchanged
PingID Mobile SDK for iOS 1.3 Updated
PingID SDK Server sample code 1.3 Unchanged

PingFederate PingID SDK Integration Kit 1.5

PingFederate PingID SDK IDP Adapter 1.4

PingFederate PingID SDK IDP Adapter 1.4 Unchanged
PingFederate PingID SDK IDP Selector 1.0 Unchanged
PingFederate PingID SDK Connector 1.2 Unchanged


Following Apple's update to their iOS push requirements, the extra verification is now sending a regular push instead of a silent one.

  • There is no change to the user experience.
  • Other than changing the PingID Mobile SDK for iOS to v1.3 in customer apps, no development changes are required.

Resolved issues

Ticket ID Description
PIDC-1704 The same OTP for offline (email, voice, SMS) authentication could be reused in the same user authentication session. This has been resolved.

Known issues and limitations

Following an upgrade of the APNS push notification client, when changing the APNS certificate via the admin console, the verification process is now limited to verification of the certification expiration date only.