Make sure the following prerequisites are met before you deploy PingIntelligence PoC:
  • A virtual machine or a bare metal server with 8 CPUs, 32 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of hard disk.
  • Docker engine - version 19.03.7 on Ubuntu or version 1.13 on RHEL. If you want a native Kubernetes cluster installation, then Minikube requires a pre-installed docker engine.
  • Minikube version 1.7.3.
  • Kubectl CLI version 1.6.0 to interact with Kubernetes cluster.

Deploying PingIntelligence in a Kubernetes cluster consists of the following steps:

  1. Installing Docker on RHEL or Ubuntu
  2. Installing minikube and kubectl
  3. Installing Kubernetes cluster node
  4. Deploying PingIntelligence in Kubernetes cluster