The PingIntelligence for APIs Dashboard provides the training status of your APIs. You can check if the training of API Behavioral Security (ABS) AI engine is complete for a given API from the Training status dashboard. When the training is complete, ABS AI engine will be ready to detect attacks showing as trained on the dashboard.
Note: You need admin user privileges to view the Training status dashboard.
To view the training status for an API, click Training Status on the left pane. By default you will reach the Per API dashboard. In the API NAME field enter your API name and click Refresh button. The dashboard displays the list of attack types with their training status for the selected API. A Trained status indicates that the machine learning models for the attack type are built and the ABS AI engine can detect the attack on the API. For more information, see Per API attacks.
Click the expand icon to know further details like attack ID, attack description, and so on.

You can also navigate to the training status by clicking the View Training icon next to the API on the APIs dashboard as shown in the following screenshot.

Sort and search

You can sort the attack types based on attack ID or Is Training status as shown in the the following screenshot.

The feature provides multiple search options. You can search and know the training status based on attack name or attack ID within trained or untrained attacks types.

Across APIs training status

Click the Across API tab for the across API training status. The status indicates if the ABS AI engine is ready to detect attack types, which span across multiple APIs. For for more information, see Across API attacks.

Related links

Training the ABS model