To customize the discovery process, configure the discovery parameters on the Dashboard. Navigate to Discovered APIs > Settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot to select settings for Discovered API configuration
Discovery settings consists of the following three parts:
  • Mode - Configure the mode in which APIs are published to ASE. The mode can be Manual or Auto.
  • Discovery Configuration - Switch discovery ON or OFF, configure the subpath depth of the API base path and discovery interval.
  • Default API Properties - Configure the default properties of discovered APIs. You can edit the properties of an individual API in manual mode before publishing it to ASE.

The following sections explain each parts of Discovery settings in detail.


Configure the mode in which Dashboard publishes the discovered APIs to ASE. The two modes are:
  • Manual mode - In the manual mode, you can review the discovered APIs, edit the properties of the APIs and then publish one or more APIs to ASE. For more information on editing the discovered APIs, see Edit the discovered APIs.
    Screenshot for manual mode in Discovered API dashboard
  • Auto mode - In the auto mode, Dashboard automatically publishes the APIs to ASE after a configured time interval. In auto mode, if you edit an API, it is published to ASE in the subsequent interval. Configure the following for auto mode:
    • Polling Interval - The time interval at which Dashboard publishes APIs to ASE. It is a good practice to have a minimum of a 10-minute interval.
    • Delete non-discovered APIs - When enabled, any APIs manually added to ASE are deleted.

    Screenshot for auto mode in Discovered API dashboard
  • ASE Deployment - Displays the ASE deployment mode - inline or sideband. The deployment mode is configured in the /pingidentity/webgui/config/ file. Here is a snippet of the file to configure the ASE deployment mode.
    ### ase properties
    # ASE management url
    # ASE mode: valid values: inline or sideband
    Note: Make sure that the ASE mode configured in matches the configuration in pingidentity/ase/config/ase.conf file in ASE.

Discovery Configuration

Configure enabling or disabling discovery from the Discovery Configuration tab by toggling the AI Engine Discovery button. Configure the following:
  • Discovery Source - Dashboard can discover APIs from three sources, ABS AI engine, PingAccess, and Axway API gateway. The discovery source is configured in the /pingidentity/webgui/config/ file Following is a snippet of the file for configuring the discovery source.
    ### api discovery properties
    # discovery source
    # valid values: abs, axway and pingaccess
    # for axway and pingaccess, see config/
    When the API discovery source is PingAccess or Axway, configure the gateway management URL and credentials in the /pingidentity/webgui/config/ file. Following is a snippet of the file for configuring the credentials.
    ### Axway API Gateway config. Only valid if pi.webgui.discovery.source=axway
    # API Manager URL
    # API Manager admin username
    # API Manager admin password
    ### PingAccess config. Only valid if pi.webgui.discovery.source=pingaccess
    # Admin URL
    # Admin username
    # Admin password
  • AI Engine Discovery - Toggle the button to start or stop API discovery. Make sure a root API is configured in ASE for the AI engine to discover APIs. For more information on discovery process, see API discovery and configuration.
  • AI Engine Subpath Depth - Defines the number of subpaths used to uniquely discover the base path of a new API. The maximum value is 6. For more information, see Discovery Subpaths.
  • AI Engine Discovery Update Interval - Defines the time interval at which new discovered APIs are updated in the Dashboard. The minimum value is 1-hour.

Screenshot for DiscoveryConfigurations in Discovered API dashboard

Default API Properties

You can configure the default API JSON properties from this tab. These properties apply to all the discovered APIs. You can edit the properties of the discovered APIs in the manual mode before publishing to ASE. For more information on the API properties, see Define an API JSON

Screenshot for Discovered APIs properties setting