The API Publish configuration file ( is located in the /pingidentity/apipublish/config/ directory. The following table explains the parameters and provides recommended values. Change the default values as per your requirements.
Parameter | Description |
pi.apipublish.ssl.enabled-protocols | The supported SSL protocols . Default value is TLSv1.2 . |
pi.apipublish.ssl.ciphers | The supported ssl ciphers. For the list of valid cipher names, see For multiple cipher names use comma separated list. For example, TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256. |
pi.apipublish.ssl.key-store | The direcotry path of keystore. The default value is config/ssl/apipublish.jks. |
pi.apipublish.ssl.key-store-type | The keystore type. Default value is JKS . |
pi.apipublish.ssl.key-store-password | The password of the JKS Keystore. PingIntelligence ships with a default obfuscated password. You can reset the password and obfuscate it. |
pi.apipublish.ssl.key-alias | Alias for SSL key. The default value is pingidentity . |
pi.apipublish.server.port |
Port for API Pubhish service and PingIntelligence Dashboard communication. The default value is |
pi.apipublish.server.timezone | Set the timezone to utc or local . The default
timezone is utc . |
pi.apipublish.server.deployment_type | The API Publish service deployment mode. Valid values are cloud or
onprem . The default value is
onprem . |
pi.apipublish.datasource.data_dbname |
The MongoDB data database name. The default value is |
pi.apipublish.datasource.metadata_dbname | The MongoDB metadata database name.The default value is
abs_metadata . |
pi.apipublish.datasource.mongo_rs | Comma separated MongoDB replica set URI. |
pi.apipublish.datasource.mongo_ssl | Set it to true if MongoDB is configured to use
SSL connections. The default value is
false . |
pi.apipublish.datasource.mongo_auth_mechanism |
Defines the method in which MongoDB authenticates. The possible
values can be:
pi.apipublish.datasource.mongo_certificate | Set it to true if you want to verify MongoDB SSL server certificate when API Publish
service connects to MongoDB. The default value is
false .Note: Make sure
is set to true before setting
to true . |
pi.apipublish.datasource.username | MongoDB username Default value is
pi.apipublish.datasource.password | MongoDB password Default value is