
Make sure that ABS is stopped before changing the keystore password.

To change the default values:

  • To change the keystore password, enter the following command.

    The default Java KeyStore (JKS) password is abs123.

    # keytool -storepasswd -keystore config/ssl/abs.jks
    Enter keystore password:  abs123
    New keystore password: newjkspassword
    Re-enter new keystore password: newjkspassword
  • To change the key password, enter the following command.

    The default key password is abs123.

    # keytool -keypasswd -alias pingidentity -keypass abs123 -new newjkspassword -keystore config/ssl/abs.jks
    Enter keystore password: newjkspassword

    Start ABS after you have changed the default passwords.

  • Before creating a new abs_master.key, stop ABS by running the command.
    # /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/
    checking API Behavioral Security status
    sending shutdown signal to ABS, please wait...
    API Behavioral Security stopped
  • To create your own abs_master.key to obfuscate keys and passwords in ABS, run the generate_obfkey command.
    /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ generate_obfkey -u admin -p admin
    Please take a backup of config/abs_master.key before proceeding.
    Warning: Once you create a new obfuscation master key, you should obfuscate all config keys also using -obfuscate_keys
    Warning: Obfuscation master key file
    /pingidentity/abs/config/abs_master.key already exists. This command will delete it and create a new key in the same file
    Do you want to proceed [y/n]: y
    Creating new obfuscation master key
    Success: created new obfuscation master key at /pingidentity/abs/config/abs_master.key
  • To change the default admin password, run the update_password command.
    /opt/pingidentity/abs/bin/ update_password -u admin -p admin
    New Password>
    Reenter New Password>
    Success. Password updated for CLI
  • To change the default access and secret key in MongoDB, stop the ABS nodes and complete the following:
    1. Connect to MongoDB by entering the following command.

      absuser and abs123 are the default username and password for MongoDB.

      mongo --host<mongo-host>--port <mongo-port>--authenticationDatabase admin -u absuser -p abs123
    2. On the MongoDB prompt, run the following command:
      use abs_metadata
      db.auth_info.updateOne( { access_key: "<new-access-key>", secret_key: "<new-secret-key>"} )
    3. Start the ABS nodes after you have changed the default access and secret key.