1. On the PingOne console, go to Connections > Applications.
  2. Click + Add Application.
  3. Select Advanced Configuration. In the SAML section, click Configure.
  4. On the Create Provisioning Profile page, configure the basic profile details. Click Next.
  5. On the Configure SAML Connection page, set your SAML details:
    1. Select Manually Enter.
    2. Enter the following connection details using your own Code42 console address:

      You can find your Code42 console address in the address bar of your browser when you sign on to Code42.

      A screenshot that shows the Code42 console address in the browser.
      Setting Value
      ACS URLs https://Code42-console-address/api/SsoAuthLoginResponse
      Entity ID https://Code42-console-address
      Assertion Validity Duration 180

      (or set to your preferred duration)

      Target Application URL https://Code42-console-address/console

      Use the default settings for the rest of the configuration.

    3. Click Save and Continue.
  6. On the Attribute Mapping page, map the PingOne Email Address attribute to mail. Select the Required check box. Click Save and Close.

    A screenshot that shows the Email Address PingOne attribute mapped to mail.
  7. On the Applications page, turn on your new application.
  8. Expand your application. On the Configuration tab, click Download. Save saml2-metadata-idp-***.xml.