The Services ID identifies the particular instance of your application. The Services
ID is equivalent to a client_id
in PingOne.
- On the Apple Developer site, click Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
- In the Register a New Identifier section, select Services ID.
Enter the following information:
- Description: A brief description of the application.
- Identifier: The path to the application. This value will be used as the client ID in PingOne.
- Click Continue and Register.
- In the list, select the service you just created.
- Select Sign in with Apple and click Configure.
- Select the primary App ID and click the + icon.
Enter a value for Domains and subdomains.
This is the top-level domain for your application.
Leave the Return URLs blank for now.
This is the path in your application that users are redirected to after they have authenticated with Apple. This value is equivalent to a callback URI. You’ll enter this value after you set up your application in PingOne.
- Click Next, and then click Done.
- Click Continue, and then click Save.