Download the ZIP archive and extract it to the computer that will run the gateway.
- In the PingOne admin console, go to .
- Click the appropriate gateway entry to open the details panel.
- Click the Download tab.
- Click the download link to download the ZIP archive.
- Extract the ZIP archive to the computer that will run the gateway. We recommend that you use a common location as the parent directory, such as C:\Program Files\Ping Identity.
- Configure the file, including providing the gateway credential information. The file is located in the config directory. For example: C:\Program Files\Ping Identity\pingone-radius-gateway-1.2.0\config.
- Sign on to Windows with administrator privileges.
- Start a Command Prompt or PowerShell.
- Run the install-service.bat file without any parameters. By design, the install-service.bat file does not start the service automatically after completion. However, the service is configured to start automatically at the next and subsequent restarts of the Windows operating system.
- In the Services system application, start the PingOne RADIUS Gateway service.