You should have received the following information from the PingOne administrator adding you as an administrator:

  • Your PingOne user name if it is different from your email address.
  • The Console Login URL for the environment that you are being added to.
  • (Optional) A temporary password.
  1. Go to the PingOne console using the URL you received from the administrator.
  2. Enter your PingOne Username.
  3. Update your Password.
    • If you received a temporary password, enter it and create a new password when prompted.
    • Click Forgot Password, enter your PingOne username on the Password Reset window, and click Submit.

      An email containing a recovery code is sent to the email address associated with your PingOne user account. Paste the code where indicated on the Enter New Password window. Create a new password and click Save.

    You are signed on to the PingOne administrator console.

  4. On Verify Email Address, click Verify.

    A new verification code is sent to your email address.

  5. Paste the verification code where indicated and click Confirm.

Your administrator account registration is complete.