November 28
RADIUS Gateway Docker images are now hosted on Docker Hub
The PingOne RADIUS Gateway Docker images have moved to the Docker Hub. If you are running the PingOne RADIUS Gateway as a Docker container, ensure that you update your Docker commands, replacing the old image location with the new location at:
For example, the Docker run command for the latest version is:
docker run ... pingidentity/pingone-radius-gateway:1.1.0
If you have implemented any automated solutions, you should also update them to the new Docker Hub location.
November 17
Updated LDAP Gateway client application
November 16
RADIUS Gateway connector enhancements
We've added the PingID Policy evaluation capability to the RADIUS Gateway connector. For information, see RADIUS Gateway connector.
PingID connector enhancements
November 15
New sidebar navigation experience
While we think the new sidebar will be more intuitive and easier to use, we’ve created a crosswalk document to help you get oriented quickly.
Unified login enhancements
November 14
Risk predictors - single-instance predictors
The following types of risk predictors can now have only one instance per environment:
- IP velocity
- User velocity
- Bot detection
- Suspicious device
- User risk behavior (organization-wide)
- User-based risk behavior (individual user)
The remaining predictor types can still have up to fifteen instances per environment.