1. In your PingOne environment, go to Directory > Users.
  2. Click the User Devices Report button at the top of the page.
    The table shows basic information for each device, such as the associated username and the device type.
  3. Use the Filter button to filter the data displayed, based on one or more of the following criteria: device type, MFA status, user ID, email address, phone number. For email address and phone number, you can specify the whole address/number or use the starts with option. When you use the equals option, the search is case-sensitive. When you use the starts with option, the search is not case-sensitive.
  4. If you want to export the displayed data to a file:
    1. Click Generate Report.
    2. Select Generate CSV or Generate JSON.
    3. When the export is finished, copy the displayed password, which you will need to open the .zip file that contains the requested output, and then click Download CSV / Download JSON.
    The generated file is available for up to two hours. If you want to generate another report within this time period, change the filters applied to the data.