You can find the PingOne for Enterprise Directory attributes on the Setup > Directory > Attributes page in the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal. The list of commonly used attributes is displayed on this page. You can display the additional attributes available by clicking Add Attribute. The attributes we make available are:

Attributes available by default
Attribute Description
userName The name to assign to the account user. The name must be unique within the account.
externalId The UUID for the user (assigned by PingOne).
name A multivalued attribute fully identifying the user. The subattributes are:
  • givenName
  • middleName
  • familyName
  • honorificPrefix
  • honorificSuffix
emails A multivalued attribute for the email addresses associated with the user. The subattributes are:
  • type
  • primary
  • secondary
id The UUID for the account user.
active A boolean value indicating whether the account user is currently active.
userType The type of account user (such as, administrator).
Additional attributes available
Attribute Description
preferredLanguage The user's preferred written or spoken language (for selecting a localized user interface).
displayName The user's name to be displayed.
locale The user's default location (for localized display of data, such as currency).
timezone The default timezone for the user.
nickName A nickname to assign to the user.
title The user's title within the organization.
profileUrl A fully qualified URL for the page representing the user's online profile.
entitlements A multivalued attribute for the entitlements assigned to the user. The subattributes are one or more entitlement entries:
  • value
x509Certificates (API use only) A multivalued attribute for the x509 certificates assigned to the user. The subattributes are one or more certificate entries:
  • value
phoneNumbers A multivalued attribute listing the phone numbers associated with the user. The subattributes are:
  • fax
  • home
  • mobile
  • other
  • pager
  • work
addresses A multivalued attribute listing the physical addresses associated with the user. The subattributes are:
  • type
  • streetAddress
  • locality
  • region
  • postalCode
  • country
  • formatted
  • primary
ims A multivalued attribute listing the instant messaging service or services associated with the user. The subattributes are one or more pairs of type/value entries:
  • type
  • value
roles A multivalued attribute listing of the role or roles associated with the user within the account. The subattributes are one or more role entries:
  • value