You can also connect PingOne for Enterprise SSO to PingFederate Bridge through PingFederate Bridge. To connect to PingOne for Enterprise SSO through the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal:

  1. In the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal, click Setup.
  2. On the Identity Repository tab, click Connect to an Identity Repository.

    If you have previously configured an identity repository, Change Identity Repository appears. Contact support about changing your identity repository or making changes to your existing PingFederate identity repository configuration because making changes affects your PingOne for Enterprise configuration.

  3. From the Connect to an Identity Repository menu, select PingFederate. Click Next.
  4. Select No, and click Next.

    To integrate with an existing PingFederate implementation, see PingOne for Enterprise.

  5. To choose your server platform, follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. To download PingFederate Bridge, follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. To install and configure PingFederate Bridge, follow the on-screen instructions.
  8. In the PingFederate administrative console, review the license agreement. Click Accept.
  9. In the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal, from the Complete Quick Start section, copy the activation key.
    Screen capture of the Complete Quick Start section. The Activation Key field is highlighted with a red box. Below the activation key field reads: To connect PingFederate Bridge to your PingOne for Enterprise account, copy this unique activation key into PingFederate Bridge when prompted. This is a single-use activation key. A new key will be generated for each PingOne for Enterprise session.
  10. In the PingFederate administrative console, click Yes, Connect to PingOne for Enterprise.
  11. In the Activation Key field, paste the activation key you copied from the PingOne for Enterprise admin portal.
    Screen capture of the Yes, Connect to PingOne for Enterprise section. The Activation Key field is highlighted with a red box. Text reads To connect this PingFederate node to your PingOne for Enterprise account, enter your activation key. A link below reads Sign on to PingOne to get your activation key.
  12. Click Next.
    The PingFederate administrative console displays the Identities section.
  13. Proceed to Configuring PingOne for Enterprise SSO with PingFederate Bridge.