1. From the PingData administrative console, go to LDAP Schema > Attribute Types.
  2. Optional: In the Attribute Types list, search for isMemberOf to filter.
    A screen capture of the PingData Administrative console LDAP Schema section. The Attribute Types list is being filtered by entering "isM" into the search bar. There is a filter for the list that is set on All Schema Files and an unselected check box that say Modifiable Only.
  3. In the isMemberOf row, from the Actions list, select Copy As.
    A screen capture of the Attribute Types list. The Actions list next to isMemberOf is highlighted with a red arrow and Copy As is selected.
  4. In the Basic Properties section, complete the fields for a new attribute type:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the new attribute type.
    2. In the Description field, enter a description for the new attribute type
    3. In the Stored in File field, enter a unique filename for the new attribute type.

    In the Syntax field, keep the default settings. The Multivalued check box should remain selected.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart PingDirectory.